Catworth Cinema Club (CCC) ...
Our first showing took place in April 2014 and we currently aim to show nine films each year
with a break over the summer months and over the Christmas period.
Tickets are on the door and usually cost £5 for adults and £4 for children under 16.
Drinks and snacks are available from a bar. Usually we begin with a 'short' and have an interval midway through the main feature.
The village hall now has its own splendid audio/visual equipment, with hearing loop, and new comfortable seating.
If you would like to join our committee (currently Anne Allured, Pippa Ellson, John Hurley, Elliott Mannis, Kevin Mudie and Jeff Wardle)
then contact John at johnerichurley@gmail.com.
Latest news and Dates for your diary ...
On 27th September we are showing: Ticket to Paradise
A romantic comedy starring Julia Roberts and George Clooney.
David and Georgia, divorced parents who can't stand each other, head to Bali after their daughter Lily announces her plans to marry
a local islander she just met while on holiday. They decide to put aside their differences and work together to stop the wedding,
believing that doing so will keep Lily from making a dreadful mistake similar to their own.
Then we are showing:
25 Oct - One Life
06 Dec - Oliver!
Note the date for Oliver! has altered.
A list of our previous films is shown below ...