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Catworth Village Hall
Overview of events ...
The Village Hall Committee run a wide range of social events throughout the year to appeal to all ages
with a view to enjoying ourselves whilst raising money for the upkeep and refurbishment of the hall.
We have held village lunches, banquets, murder mystery evenings, regular film shows, quiz nights, wine tasting sessions, jumble sales, Christmas fayres and produce shows.
We always welcome new ideas.
If you would like email reminders of village hall events and are not already on our mailing list then contact Andrew at ajmoore900@aol.com
Why not try one of the planned events and bring a friend!
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Great News ...
New LED lights and acoustic baffles have now been installed. The latter have eliminated the problems with echo and background noise arising from the vaulted ceiling.
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Events for 2025 (more in Regular Fixtures below) ...
• 24 Jan - 7.30 pm - Cinema Club - Up
• 03 Feb - Solar Panel Installation. There will be scaffolding please take care.
• 07 Feb - 7.30 pm - Quiz Night
• 28 Feb - 7.30 pm - Cinema Club - The Outrun
• 11 Mar - 12.30 pm - Village Lunch
• 27th, 28th and 29th March at 8pm with a matinee at 2.30 pm on the 29th
CATS present 'Rumpelstiltskin' a panto.
This is a rewrite of the original 2011 production of Rumpelstiltskin.
New Cast, New Production!
Tickets are available here.
• 15 Jul - 12.30 pm - Village Lunch
• 25 Nov - 12.30 pm - Village Lunch
• Catworth indoor market is taking a break in January.
Next market is on Saturday 8th February.
We are always looking for new food related stalls for the market
so please do get in touch if you have something to offer,
know someone who does or have any suggestions!
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Regular Fixtures ...
The following list is only a rough guide and there will be exceptions.
So please follow the links for more details or make enquiries using the given telephone numbers or email addresses.
(H) Hall ... (M) Meeting Room
More details can be found on our Regular Users page
MONDAY _________________________________________________
• Strength and Balance - Mondays 10.00 am (H)
for more details visit Be Well in Cambs
and to book call 01480 388111
TUESDAY ________________________________________________
• Palette and Brush - Tuesdays 12.30 am - 3pm (H)
to book email Chirria or telephone 07715 018301
WEDNESDAY _____________________________________________
• Coffee Morning - Wednesdays 10.30 am (M)
for details call Andrew Moore on 07710 429369
• Games Club - last Wednesday of the month 7.30 pm (M)
email Lesley
THURSDAY _______________________________________________
• Bowls Club - Alternate Thurdays 2.00 pm (H) - email Ken
• Parish Council - 2nd Thursday of the month 7.30 pm (H)
FRIDAY __________________________________________________
• Yoga - Fridays 10.00 - 11.30 am (H) - some reviews and photos here
Yoga Teacher and Therapist Cambs and Beds, Linda Tongue
Tel 01480 350345 Mob 07733 343702 or Email Linda
• Cinema Club - last Friday of the month (H)
SATURDAY _______________________________________________
• Quilters - 3rd Saturday of the month 10 am (H) - Pam at 01832 710324
• Catworth Indoor Food Market - 2nd Saturday of the month 10am to 1pm (H)
See example posters and stalls for 9th March and 10th August 2024
For details call Judith on 07801 446957
More details can be found on our Regular Users page
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Events in 2024 ...
2024 started with the refurbishment of the north lobby, that long forgotten glory hole.
It now boasts cupboards, a floor level with the hall and new doors. Outside, steps down to the car park and a handrail.
The pop-up pub ended with Richard and Jemma opening the Racehorse. The Craft Fayre spread into the church.
We welcomed back our Murder Mystery evening with "Last Orders" with Little Italy catering.
In March CATS presented 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin'.
In April we held a Wine Tasting - some photos here.
We bade farewell to Village Lunch founder Vivien Reffin who moved to Sussex - some details of our presentation to Vivien are here.
We held another Village Lunch in November - some photos here.
Finally we placed the order for our Solar Panels and battery to be installed in February 2025.
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Events in 2023 ...
The New Year was seen in with a bang thanks to Jemma and Richard's New Year party.
A full year of fixtures followed, Bowls Club, Yoga, Pantomime, Cinema Club, Palette and Brush, Indoor Market,
Games Club, Coffee mornings, Strength and Balance classes, Catworth in stitches, Quilters, Village Lunches,
Parish Council, private parties, and public meetings for the Neighbourhood Plan.
In March the Catworth Cinema Club presented 'Star Wars: A New Hope'
and the Catworth Amateur Theatrical Society delighted their audiences with 'Star Warz: The Farce Awakens' (see photo alongside and more photos on the CATS page).
All contributing to a new record usage of the hall of 6,185!
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Events in 2022 ...
Touch wood Covid has finally retreated into the background. If footfall at the Village Hall is anything to go by then we have indeed turned the corner.
5,360 for the year which on a like for like basis is our best yet. New events Warm Space, Indoor Market, Santa's Party, are being organised
and becoming established whilst our regular events/hirers are enjoying continued support. We have obtained planning permission for PV panels on the roof that will help reduce energy costs.
We are also planning to complete the refurbishment of the North lobby providing better insulation, storage, and space for batteries to support the PV.
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Events in 2021 ...
..and then we started 2021 with yet another lockdown! Further grants certainly, but a knock back for users of the Village Hall.
However since the lock down ended there has been a steady return of hirers and users: Wednesday Coffee mornings, Quilters, Games Club,
Bowls Club, Yoga, Christian Group, new hirers Strength and Balance, Catworth in Stitches, plus a Village Lunch, the Craft Fayre,
and CATS pantomime Dick Whittington (some photos here). We have maintained Covid safety arrangements which our hirers have been reassured by.
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Events in 2020 ...
We were doing so well until Covid came along and two lockdowns severely curtailed our plans for the year.
We have luckily received grant funding from Huntingdonshire District Council to tide us over and help us survive the periods of closure.
We have installed hand sanitisers and added some 2metre distancing tape.
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Events in 2019 ...
2019 was our first full year of using the new hall and we were delighted to see footfall at a staggering 5,720.
We had new events including: Mahjong, coffee mornings, Games Nights, pop-up pub, plus our first wedding and a Bake-Off afternoon tea.
Regular activities Bowls Club, Quilters, and Cinema Club continued. We also held our celebratory banquet which raised nearly £3,000 towards the refurbishment costs.
The adjacent photo shows families making christingles in the village hall, which were taken to the church for a short service.
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Events in 2018 ...
The dominating feature of 2018 was the project to complete the refurbishment ,,, HURRAH!!
We have created a new meeting room that can be opened up to the main hall if necessary.
We have also created a safe play area to the north side and we have made the facility completely accessible to the disabled.
We have installed AV equipment and a hearing loop.
Fundraising events included a craft fayre that raised a tremendous £950.
The Cinema Club is doing well making profits for the refurbishment Fund every time.
Our postcards based on last year's treasure map as featured on BBC Radio 4's Broadcasting House are still available.
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Events in 2017 ...
The committee had another very successful year. Fundraising events included a craft fayre that raised a tremendous £674 (some photos here);
the Murder Mystery "Murder On-Air" set in a community Radio Station raised £760; and the very successful quiz night £435.
The Cinema Club is still doing well covering costs every time and with some very popular evenings such as the showing of
Plastic Ocean with Geff Brighty attending for an enlightening and scary Q and A session.
The Sparkling Tea Party was an enjoyable and successful afternoon attracting nearly 40 entries, and raising £420.
One of our regular banquets was, as usual, well attended and raised over £500.
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Events in 2016 ...
Fundraising events in 2016 included the Gala Banquet in February, which was a fantastic evening enjoyed by all.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, diners, and bidders, this raised nearly £3,000.
The craft fayre raised £230, the village lunches raised over £400 and the produce show held in Glebe House garden
raised over £800 (thanks to Ross and Annabel for letting us pitch camp there for the afternoon).
The very successful quiz night raised over £350 and, for those of you who missed it, Liechtenstein is bordered by Austria and Switzerland.
The Catworth Cinema Club had another cracking year raising over £1,600 with the highlight of a Cambridgeshire premier of 'The Doo Dah Man'
attended by the Director Claude Green.
In May the Catworth Amateur Theatrical Society held its fifteenth home grown murder mystery premiere, with a four course banquet as well as the Golf Club murder investigation;
this raised over £800 and starred Julie Daniel as the golf pro, Rachel McCreath as a not so grieving widow, Paul Goodyear as Head Greenkeeper,
Pete King as Vice Captain, Steve Kaye as Golf Club bar manager and Pippa Ellson as bar maid (see photo taken by Andrew Moore as Chief Inspector Driver).
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Events in 2015 ...
2015 saw the Village Hall host a wide range of activities.
These included eight film nights organised by the Catworth Cinema Club (including a packed house for a sing-a-long to Mamma Mia).
Villagers also enjoyed three village lunches, the popular Quiz Night, the Murder Mystery "The Poison Pen" (which reflected the village passion for writing),
a Sparkling Tea Party launching the fund raising for the refurbishment completion, and the Macmillan coffee morning.
In March the Catworth Amateur Theatrical Society presented their version of Cinderella, to great acclaim (see photo);
and the year ended with the craft fayre held in conjunction with St Leonard's patronal festival.
All this in addition to the weekly Bowls Club, Art Club and other hirings.
The committee covered it's costs and raised £3,500 towards the completion project scheduled for 2018.
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Events in 2014 ...
In 2014 the Village Hall Committee organised a wide variety of events.
There were three well-attended Village Lunches (in January, May and December) and a splendid four-course St David's Day Banquet with entertainment.
In April we held a Jumble Sale as well as a highly successful Village Bake Off (photos here).
Also in April, a new Catworth Cinema Club was successfully launched with 'Captain Phillips' and four more films were shown in May, June, September
and October (details here).
In September a Macmillan Coffee Morning (with delicious home-made cakes, biscuits and preserves) was held to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Care.
In October there was a packed, and hotly contested, Quiz Night; and in November our second Craft Fayre (picture opposite) was very busy all day.
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Events in 2013 ...
In 2013 the Village Hall Committee successfully held five events.
These included a Murder Mystery evening with a four course meal and a very enjoyable wine tasting evening.
Later in the year our annual quiz evening was very well attended and enjoyed by all who took part.
September saw the bi-annual Produce Show (pictured opposite) with the usual fierce competition for the cup for the men only fruit cake!
In December we held our first Christmas Fayre which included stall holders from the village and further afield
and saw such delights as homemade bread, puppets and christmas decorations along with some beautiful paintings.
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