Regular Clubs and Activities ...

Groups using the Village Hall on a regular basis include CATS (Catworth Amateur Theatrical Society), Catworth Art Club, the Indoor Bowling Group, Macmillan Coffee Mornings, the Quilters and more. There are also regular village hall fundraising activities organised by groups of volunteers such as the Catworth Cinema Club. Some of these groups have provided details below.

If you already organise a group and would like some details to be included here then contact Jeff at If you would like to organise a new group or activity then contact Andrew at to discuss how we can help you get started.

CATS performance

CATS (Catworth Amateur Theatrical Society) ...

The group was formed in 2007 and every year, in March, a pantomime is staged in the village hall with scripts written by members. The group also stage shows and revues in St Leonard's Church, again using their own material. With a membership of around thirty the group are always looking for new productions and new members to support an increasing appetite for entertaining and presenting new shows and plays.
Anyone interested in helping either on stage or back stage should contact Julie Daniel on 07957 516896.

Photos of previous performances can be seen here.

art club

Palette and Brush ...

'Palette and Brush' is a group of artists specialising in Oil painting with tuition.
It is open to all and we meet on Mondays 12.30 am - 3pm.
No previous experience in oil painting is necessary.

If you are interested in joining then email Chirria or telephone 07715 018301
Photos of our 2023 exhibition can be seen here.

Strength and Balance

Strength and Balance ...

Strength and Balance Exercise sessions take place on Mondays at 10.00 am

Falls are not an inevitable part of getting older. Strength and balance exercises at least twice a week can reduce your risk of falls and keep you fit, active and independent in later life.
But don't take our word for it. Watch this short video to hear from those who have benefited from doing strength and balance exercises.

For more details visit Be Well in Cambs and to book call 01480 388111


Yoga ...

Join Yoga Teacher and Therapist Cambs and Beds, Linda Tongue
for weekly Yoga classes on Fridays from 10.00 - 11.30 am.
These are suitable for beginners, improvers and chair based yoga.
A typical session comprises a seated/lying relaxation/meditation.
Simple breath work, floor/chair and core. Kneeling/seated, standing warm ups, side bends and balances. Standing postures. Seated postures, simple inversion sequence and relaxation.

More details here and some reviews and photos here
Tel 01480 350345 Mob 07733 343702 or Email Linda


Cinema Club ...

The Catworth Cinema Club had its first showing in 2014 and we currently aim to show nine films each year with a break over the summer months and over the Christmas period.
Usually we begin with a 'short' and have an interval midway through the main feature.
The village hall now has its own splendid audio/visual equipment, with hearing loop, and new comfortable seating.
You can find out more about the CCC and forthcoming films here.


Indoor Bowling ...

Catworth Bowls Club has been going for several years.
We meet fortnightly on Thursday afternoons at 2.30pm.
We are a friendly group of mixed ages and our aim is to have an afternoon of fun. We occasionally have friendly matches with the surrounding villages. We are always looking for new members and anyone is welcome to come along and have a go.
If you are interested then please email Ken.

coffee morning

Macmillan Coffee Mornings ...

Since 2010 we have held "The World's Biggest Coffee Morning" in the Village Hall on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Care and to date we have raised over £2,000.
For more information please contact Libby Maitland on 07812 989119 or Rachel McCreath on 07818 612076.

quilters at work

Quilters ...

Catworth Quilters was formed over 10 years ago. Members meet on the third Saturday of the month from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm to enjoy a full day of patchwork and quilting. Members bring their own projects along to work on, either by hand or by sewing machine. This is not a teaching group so members are expected to have some basic knowledge of quilting, but are happy to offer each other tips, advice and encouragement. There are currently 12 members in the group.
If you would like further information please contact Pam on 01832 710324.